Demand Wal-Mart to Stop Abusing and Selling Sick Fish!
I am appalled at the lack of care the Walmart on John Wayland Hwy. provides for their fish. The tanks are so filthy you can barley see through some of them. Two tanks in particular had at least ten dead fish stuck to the filter and the other fish in there were struggling to live themselves. Keep in mind that was just two out of eighteen that were in need of maintenance. If Walmart is unable to care for these fish before they're sold to consumers, then they should not sell them at all. I will not be returning to this Walmart until the fish receive better care or they stop selling them altogether.
You all cannot continue to stack your betta cups. These fish have are anabantoids, which means they can breathe atmospheric air using a organ called the labyrinth. When you stack the cups that only have one small hole at the top to begin with, you are cutting off their oxygen supply. They will suffocate and die. One betta was floating dead in orange water. His gills and fins were burned off of him, while he was alive, by ammonia because no one changed the water in his cup. Walmart is a grocery store, not a pet store. You all obviously don't care for them so why sell them, its not like you all are making money off of dying fish anyway. There are plenty of Walmarts who only sell pet supplies and not the actual fish because of the poor care they offered and that seems to be the route this walmart needs to take unless this is morally right in their eyes.
If this petition reaches a sufficient amount of signatures this will be emailed to Walmarts fish vendor who is responsible for the tank and fishes well being/maintenance.
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