My two pit bull pups where taken out of my home by my daughter and her friend, my daughters friend was told over and over that shes not allowed to walk them, she couldn't control them, she knew this from when I had let my son and her walk the dogs. The babies would always out power them. On the day that bella and doc bit the little girl, they were taken out of the home without the permission with a consenting adult. The legal leash law in okaloosa county , states any animal under physical control, is an animal under mental control. The law states all animals must be leashed at all times when off the property of the animal owner. In Okaloosa County "on a leash" requires that it be held by a competent person to the extent that the animal will not trespass on the property of others. A dog shall not be declared dangerous if that threat, injury or damage was sustained by a person. Who at the time, was unlawfully on property was teasing, tormenting, abusing, or assaulting the dog or its owner or family member. The ASPCA states that " A frightened dog will growl and snap even bite" running and screaming can invite a dog to bite. There are so many factors of why this accident happened. First of all my daughters friend walked into our home and put Bella on the leash my daughter followed the girl who is 3 years older them my daughter so she tends to follow her, even after kyleigh tells her friend no several times. The friend proceeded to walk out of the house with Bella, she had her 3 Yr old sister with her, which already crying loudly because she was afraid of the dogs, she ignored this and walked out the gate, my daughter explains that the pups were licking on the little girl and she hit bella and then the girl fell, then as my daughter said bella was nipping at her, and with the loud noise and the little girl crying and kicking the male pup came and bit down very hard on her leg. My pups have never been vicious they are part our family, we also own a cat and a 10 pound mini pin and not once have they tried to hurt them. Our surrounding neighbors mainly adults claim our dogs were vicious, however the children of the neighbor hood came over and not one time have they been threatened or did my dogs act agressive. In my heart this was carelessness of two teenage girls who broke the rules and ignored the rules of what was made clear to the friend of my daughter several times. Doc and Bella should live. This would have never happened if the dogs did not get frightened. My daughter says that they were aware what they were doing was wrong and knew that, she went along because her "friend" just walked in Bella.. She was in her home secure and safe and to be taken out and put under distress and even hit did what most dogs that haven't been put in the situation they were in. I am very sorry for the family and the little girl, but to put 2 family pups down, for two teenagers actions, carelessness and incompetents to follow rules that were plainly understood, To ignore her sisters cries and her clear fear of the dogs led to this horriable accident. Our family knows and others also know our dogs are loved and are big babies... Please help our Family save these babie
They are part of our family and they deserve to have rehabilitation, they are great family dogs, our family would be devastated. Please help us save our babies.
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