Stop the intended culling of Sharks La Reunion Island

  • af: Jo Harvey
  • mottagare: Jean-Marc Ayrault. French Authorities La Reunion Island
  • "Seems more borne of vengeance than of science.” 
    This is all wrong and needs to be stopped.
    A couple of people died, some because they didn't follow the warnings and 90 sharks are to be killed???  It is a big ocean and the sharks have as much right to be in the water as humans! I am not an animal rights protester but this makes me feel sick that there could be such murder on on a mass scale.
    I have been on La Reunion Island for 7mths and have fallen in love, I want to promote this Island for tourism because I see a great opportunity, it is a beutiful and not many people know about it. However this will affect the Island in a terrible way, no one will/should want to agree to this. The French have got this all wrong looking on the negative side all the time putting fear into local people and giving an overall negative outlook for the Island, closing surf schools when the could keep them open and simply use this time out of the water (If parents don't want the kids in the water) and use the surf schools to educate the children more about the ocean and animal behaviour, about safety and look for new ideas for protection. Not close all the doors and frighten people so much that they stay away from the ocean. People don't even want to go into the lagoon for goodness sake?
    This is an outrage!!!
    Other country's make money from people observing the sharks in local waters and what do the French want to do kill them all???
    I would like to start a campaign to have this stopped.
    I would like to know how many people feel as strongly as I do about this, I am very sad for the people who have died but everything you do in life carries a risk.
    Do you drive a car? Do you walk across the road with cars passing?
    According to the world health organisation 3,645 people were killed on French roads in 2012
    Are they going to take the cars off the road ??? No.
    Shark Cull Announced By France Follows Second Fatal Attack Off Réunion Island This Year
    From TakePart's Richard Conniff: Authorities on the Indian Ocean island of Réunion have announced a plan to kill 90 sharks along its coastline, in addition to 24 already killed over the past year, in response to five human deaths from shark attacks there since 2011.
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