Immediate resignation of Galveston County Medical Examiner

    The Galveston County Medical examiner, and a member of her staff disclosed confidential information relating to victims of the Santa Fe High school shooting that occured on May 18th 2018 to a documentarian producing a film about the shooting. The information released to the film maker is information that has been refused release to families of the victims. The Galveston County District Attorney's office has prevented the release of this very imformation by seeking rulings from the Texas Attorney Generals office to deny the public information act requests. Previous rulings by the Texas AG's office have allowed the Galveston County District Attorney's office to withhold release of the medical examiners report under the grounds that the information pertains to a current criminal prosecution. Following the breach of this confidential information by the Galveston County Medical Examiner Our family filed a new public information act request once again seeking the release of the Medical Examiners report of our family member whom lost his life at the school. Once again the Galveston County District Attorney's office has sought a ruling from The texas Attorney General to deny the request. Below is an expert from the letter to the AG's office from the Galveston County District Attorney's office stating what information was released by the Medical Examiner.

    "Medical Examiner’s Statements:
    Since the previous ruling, the Galveston County Medical Examiner, who prepared the requested report, has spoken briefly with a documentary filmmaker. In her interview, the Medical Examiner stated: (1) the location of each deceased victim at the scene; (2) the way each victim was situated at the scene; and (3) the general location of injuries to each victim, i.e., head, chest, etc. Based on the location of the victims at the scene, the ME also inferred that the victim located at the front of the school was killed first, followed by three victims in a classroom."

    Our family feels betrayed by the Galveston County Medical Examiner. We feel that the release of the information that has been denied to family members of deceased victims was unethical and potentially violates HIPPA Laws. The Galveston County Medical Examiner has added insult to injury by breaching the public trust and potentially putting the criminal prosecution of the shooter at risk. The lack of action taken by the Galveston County District Attorney's office concerning this matter we also feel is unethical and may potentially risk future prosecutions and or convictions by continiuing to use the Galveston County Medical Examiner as a witness in Jury Trials.

    We are calling for the Immediate Resignation of the Galveston County Medical Examiner Erin Barnhart and the staff member whom participated in an on camera interview with the documentarian producing the film about the Santa Fe School Shooting.

    Please Help us apply public pressure for the immediate resignation of The Galveston County Medical Examiner.
    A signature of support will help our family rectify the situation that the Galveston County District Attorney didn't have the will, nor the courage to do.
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