Stop Congress Members From Lining Their Pockets with Stock Market Gains!

Members of Congress are seemingly cashing in on the stock market with shocking frequency. While stock trading is inherently risky for most, lawmakers appear to have an unfair advantage, often profiting from investments that mirror their legislative actions. Some could call it luck; we call it corruption.

A bipartisan group of Senators is taking action with the ETHICS Act, which would ban Congress members and their families from trading individual stocks. Sign the petition to demand accountability and support for this critical reform!

The integrity of our political system is at stake. If members of Congress are allowed to have a personal financial stake in the laws they're voting on -- say, if a particular bill would positively or negatively affect an industry's stocks -- that is a giant conflict-of-interest and is absolutely unacceptable. Lawmakers should serve the public, not profit from insider information or conflicts of interest. Sign to tell Congress it's time to clean up its act by passing the ETHICS Act!
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