Don't Reopen The Mine That Could Threaten Doñana National Park, A Unesco World Heritage Site!

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Spanish Government Officials In Aznalcóllar, Near Seville, Spain

Please sign and share this petition to urge the Spanish Government not to reopen the disastrous mine that could threaten the Doñana national park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In order to win votes, it appears that Spanish officials have overlooked the effect this would have on wildlife and the environment. Let's ensure they do not reopen this mine!

The Los Frailes mine in Aznalcóllar, near Seville in Spain has been closed for 17 years because of a disastrous spill that dumped five million cubic meters of toxic sludge into the Guadiamar river. Wildlife in that area has never fully recovered, but now the mine has pressured the government to reopen and once again threaten a spill that would devastate this delicate ecosystem.

The Andalucían regional government wants to reopen this mine, despite the disastrous effects it could cause, because they claim it would create 450 jobs. Spain has one of the highest unemployment rates in this area. But if this mine is reopened, barely-recovering wildlife in the area could once again be devastated by the next mining spill.

The cleanup of the last mine disaster cost millions to clean up and left 22,000 people without clean water due to the millions of liters of sulphuric acid that contaminated a huge stretch of the Sonora river. The disaster was also responsible for contaminating soil and wildlife. Additionally, there were many casualties that included millions of fish that were found dead, and dangerously high quantities of heavy metals in the liver and muscle tissue of species found throughout the food chain.

Spanish officials are guaranteeing that this type of disaster will not occur again, but the government has hastily overlooked environmental impact studies and in reality there is no way to guarantee that another disaster won't occur.

Spanish Government Officials In Aznalcóllar, Near Seville, Spain - Do not even consider reopening the Los Frailes mine in Aznalcóllar, near Seville in Spain. In lieu of the past disaster, there is no way that you can fully guarantee such an adversity will not occur again. Too much was lost with the contaminated water, dead fish and other wildlife, nature and wildlife that perished due to this huge catastrophe. Reopening this mine should not even be a reconsideration and is a huge concern for your residents, conservationists and green groups!

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