Stop The Abortion Of Baby Animals In Shelters

Signing this petition would save the lives of unborn puppies and kittens, whose lives are threatened with the new shelters policy. Shelters in certain states will now seek to abort puppies and kittens while spaying their mother. This is inhumane, cruel and archaic. All LIVES matter!

When shelters fail our companion animals, its heart breaking. When people see shelters as the enemy for companions they dump these precious gifts, even during harsh weather, with no food or shelter to help them survive. When shelters announce they will kill unborn babies this enforces people to dump their companions anywhere they see fit. As a NO-KILL advocate, we always state there are other options then “killing” or "Dumping" everything. Which is very much true. However, when shelters deny rescues to pull animals while they are pregnant then this becomes a top priority to handle. According to Nathan Winograd, Pima County, AZ animal shelter will no longer allow pregnant dogs to go to rescue groups so that the puppies can be born and weaned before the mother is spayed. No, instead, the mother will be spayed and puppies killed. 
Arizona is not the only one who is implementing this new policy into their shelter. Florida Miami Dade is following suit, along with Pennsylvania and most likely Texas as the last to get in line. This petition is to put this to a halt.  
We the undersigned demand that these actions against our companion animals cease and desist. We the undersigned understand that there is an overpopulation issue ongoing through these shelters however; killing unborn animals without even a chance to have a life is inhuman and unjustifiably wrong. The veterinarians who do this procedure are not only killing the puppies however, they are also risking the mother dog’s life while they proceed to kill these puppies and take away her reproductive organs.  
We the undersigned seek that these shelters go back to the old policies where they allow rescue groups to pull both the mother and babies or mother to be. So both mother and the babies can have a chance to bound, babies can nurse and be weaned while being placed in a suitable home after they have been spayed or neuter properly.
We the undersigned would also seek that shelters convert to NO-KILL even if it is a big undertaken however, baby steps first. This barbarity of killing unborns must end otherwise humanity is truly lost.

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