Stop The Forced Separation Of Mother And Baby Cows In Indiana!

It is well documented that dairy cows on factory farms are separated from their babies shortly after birth to keep the baby from drinking up all the profits from milk. A simple Google search will show you the extreme distress this causes both mother and baby. Both mother and baby cry and call out to each other for many days after separation. In fact mother cows are known to escape farms and travel miles away looking for their baby. Not only is this greedy practice extremely cruel and inhumane but it's been proven that baby calves do much better when they are able to stay with their mothers. They gain more weight more rapidly and are generally in better health when they are able to nurse their mothers. The Indiana legislature should outlaw this practice immediately as these are sentient mammals with the ability to suffer and feel great pain, fear and anxiety. Please sign this petition stating that Indiana should not be giving safe haven to factory farmers that separate mother and baby cows as it is an act of extreme animal cruelty!

Opdater #15 år siden
Thank you everyone for your support of the innocent and vulnerable cows and their calves! Please share this petition everywhere. It will be sent to those in power in BigAg soon!
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