Stop unscrupulous mining group from destroying the Great Barrier Reef

The Queensland environmental regulator has completely ignored the fact that Adani, the operator of Australia’s largest coalmine is a corrupt and environmentally disastrous group.

Destroying mangroves, blocking waterways and bribing officials – This is how Adani operate. The Indian environment ministry have threatened to cancel Adani’s environmental licence over allegations of large-scale mangrove destruction and other violations. Yet, in a bid to fast-track some of its projects, the Newman government has completely overlooked the Adani group’s truly horrifying track record. It seems as if one of the greatest natural wonder of the world has been forgot – one of Australia’s greatest icons is at risk.

Can the Great Barrier Reef stand up to what Adani are going to throw at it –the much publicised increased shipping traffic, dredging and annual carbon emissions from burning an amount of coal equal to a quarter of Australia’s total emissions. But there is a hidden impact - something that they do not want you to know:
Human health problems caused by air pollution from the burning of coal and oil; damage to land from coal mining and to miners from black lung disease; environmental degradation caused by global warming, acid rain, and water pollution and oil spills.
The government also keeps on telling us of how much money will be made and how Queensland will benefit. But there are also hidden costs.
Since such costs are indirect and difficult to determine, they have traditionally remained external to the energy pricing system, and are thus often referred to as externalities. And since the producers and the users of energy do not pay for these costs, society as a whole must pay for them. But this pricing system masks the true costs of fossil fuels and results in damage to human health, the environment, and the economy.

What price are you willing to pay? Seeing the Great Barrier Reef disintegrate in our generation? Watch an entire tourist industry go up in smoke? See Australia produce more carbon emissions instead of lowering them? The health of our loved one? The health of a healthy eco-system? What more is at stake?

We do not have to find out, because we can do something to stop Adani. And if we act now we can stop this unscrupulous terror to the environment - who are known to bribe officials, to conduct illegal operations without interruption - from doing the same on our shores, and destroy what we hold so dear, and without any remorse. That makes me angry, and it makes me want to act. I hope you feel the same. I hope that you also realise what a big mistake the Queensland environmental regulator has made. The Newman government must know that while they might turn a blind eye, we will not. Because we care, and we will act.

By allowing Adani to operate out of Queensland, the environmental regulator is making a huge mistake. Adani cannot be trusted, and the Great Barrier Reef cannot survive this onslaught. The impacts of increased shipping traffic, dredging and annual carbon emissions.
Take action: please sign my petition and join me in demanding Adani’s Mining’s registration as a suitable operator to be cancelled.

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