• af: Dana Caguiat
  • mottagare: San Antonio TX ACS & ALL Kill Shelters

Please copy the letter below & paste into an eMail... then send to:

To the City Council - San Antonio Texas:

I am writing to urge your support in finding alternate methods of seeking financing toward becoming a No Kill Shelter.

As a compassionate person advocating on behalf of animals, and a dog owner, I think it is morally wrong to euthanize these sentient beings. I do not support the euthanasia of animals as a viable or humane solution.

Further, I urge you to edit the San Antonio City Ordinances to make Spay/Neutering MANDATORY. And the funds which would be allotted (for collecting and euthanizing dogs), should be allocated toward stopping ALL dog fighting & backyard breeders.

I am also aware that the euthanize orders come from someone in Management, and demand that Heber Lefgren be replaced immediately. The decisions to euthanize are cruelty, plain and simple. The entire staff needs to be evaluated, and REPLACED with active, compassionate people who will work toward solving the overpopulation problem.

In closing, I strongly urge you to help ensure the humane and fair treatment of these deserving dogs... including medical care for those in need.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration regarding this matter. I look forward to seeing you do what is right, instead of turning a blind eye. Action takes courage... be courageous!


Your name here

Address here 

Opdater #14 år siden
We’re half way to our goal... 500 of 1000. Please sign if you haven’t, & share. Thank you on behalf of all the dogs at the San Antonio KILL Shelter.
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