We oppose the bill to eliminate sweets and other snacks from the food stamp program

  • af: Missi J
  • mottagare: Sheila Butt - Tennessee State Representative, Tennessee

Dear Mrs. Butt, those of us who are signing this petition oppose any bill that would restrict any types of food from the food stamp program. While some people who are on food stamps do not work for one reason or another whether they are in between jobs, sick, disabled, elderly, or for some other reason unable to work and earn money to buy food, we ask that you keep in mind that those who are recipients of government assistance are not all lazy and/or unemployed. Many of them work on the books and have taxes withdrawn from their pay so they contribute to the food stamp program along with all other taxpayers. Some contributed 4000 tax dollars a year or more before becoming unemployed or underemployed.  I,  the writer of this petition was once a food stamp recipient for the period of approximately one year while I went to truck driving school. During this time I  also worked and had taxes withdrawn from my pay. I am now a long-haul truck driver who is contributing to the economy, working on the books, and paying taxes, and I have no problem with the idea of poor children being able to have sweets and other snacks that are purchased with food stamp dollars. We ask that you consider those who are homeless and have no way to cook "staple" foods, due to this problem, often they are forced to eat ready-to-eat foods. We ask you to consider those with mental disabilities, those who cannot cook safely because they do not understand or perhaps can't even read the directions on how to cook "staple" foods. We also ask you to consider those with juvenile diabetes on food stamps who may not have time to prepare something sweet they can consume quickly when their sugar drops to a dangerous level due to their age or even a mental disability.  Ready to eat snacks containing sugar are important for these people when their sugar suddenly drops. We who sign this petition simply believe that there are other matters more pressing that need to be dealt with by our state representatives. We oppose government interference in our food choices whether or not that food is purchased with money we earned or with food stamps. We contend that this bill is not necessary, because the tax dollars that we pay for things like corporate subsidies far outweigh the tax dollars that we pay for food stamps. The average American earning $50,000 per year only contributes about $40 per year for the food stamp program. We ask that you withdraw this bill or perhaps even modify it to allow a certain percentage of food stamps to be spent on the foods you consider be low in nutritional value, perhaps by rationing the purchase of those types of foods to something like 25% of the food stamp amount in order to accommodate those with conditions like juvenile diabetes and hypoglycemia.   Some of us would agree that foods that are high in fat and sugar can cause and/or worsen some health conditions,  but at the end of the day a calorie is a calorie.  Even some salads can contain over 1000 calories so cutting out foods you consider to be low in nutritional value is not the answer. Orange juice,  which has been traditionally allowed on the food stamp program drives up sugar levels quite significantly and could have a negative effect on those with diabetes.  Hot dogs and bologna have always been allowed as well,  but are high in sodium which aggravates blood pressure and nitrites which are believed by some experts to cause cancer. Cow's milk formula, which is likely to be on the allowed list,  is now thought to contain estrogens that may cause juvenile diabetes. Many meats  contain growth hormones and other chemicals which contribute to hormonal disturbances and weight problems, yet they will very likely be on the allowed list. Studies have shown that fresh, canned and frozen fruits and vegetables are being grown on nutrient depeleted soil. Fruits and fruit juices, potatoes, breads, rice and pastas which are likely to be on the approved list contain sugars that increase blood sugar levels in diabetics. What we're saying here is if you tried to cut unhealthy foods from the program there would be very little in the way of foods to choose from so it's impossible to be consistent with this.  Some of us would also agree that some food stamp recipients abuse the program but also contend that it is wrong to punish those who are not abusing it with bills like this one.   With that being said we appreciate your concern for the nutritional needs of children and admire your accomplishment of becoming a lawmaker, which we are sure was no easy task. [please post no profanity or anything that could be construed as threatening  with your  signatures thank you]

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