Stop cruelty towards animals in cityYangiyol of Uzbekistan!!!.
Poisoning of stray animals continues in the city of Yangiyul.
Today, this cruelty contradicts the legislative norms adopted in Uzbekistan, as well as the 66th goal of the “Uzbekistan-2030” strategy, adopted by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 11, 2023. It seems that the government of Yangiyul preferred a simple way to get rid of animals by killing them. The worst thing is that employees of the Yangiyul Government are illegally scattering toxic substances where people walk and children play! Another question is under what secret instructions and patronage this poisoner is acting and where he easily gets the deadly poison from. We demand that the government of the Yangiyul region, the Yangiyul eco-police, the Eco-Party, and the internal affairs bodies stop cruelty to animals.
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