Punish Animal Abuser Who Kicked A Baby Swan And Gave It Brain Damage.

There is no way this was an accident.

Add your name if you want to make sure he pays the price!

"POLICE have called on witnesses or footage after a young swan was kicked and given brain damage in a vile act of animal cruelty.

"News of an attack on a baby swan in Richmond Park has caused outrage and heartache. Sky News' Kay Burley explained police are looking to identify the man who carried out the attack. Ms Burley said: "A newborn baby swan is fighting for its life after being kicked out of the way by a jogger in London's Richmond Park," reported Express UK.

"It is said to be doing desperately poorly with brain damage.

"The police are looking for a white male in his 60s seen running around the park on Monday evening"," said the same source.

Whether the man responsible for this absurd cruelty is found or not, it's vital that we do something to deter such future acts.

Chris Loder, MP is well known for standing up for animal rights. That's why we're calling on him to introduce legislation that would punish anyone convicted of animal cruelty in the UK in the most severe possible way.

It doesn't matter if you don't live in the UK, your signature can still make a difference.

Don't you want to help protect animals from the likes of the brutal jerk that kicked a baby swan and left it for dead?

Then add your name to ask Chris Loder, MP to draft legislation that would punish animal abusers in the harshest possible way!

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