Stop the human trafficking of our children, CPS must be reformed.

    Not only are my children and myself victims of the hand of the corrupt agency known as Children’s “Protective” Services, but the countless and devastating victims of this abuse that this agency has been allowed to get away with has to stop. These people are paid to take our children, no matter what the truth is it doesn’t matter if you’re the best parent that ever walked the face of the Earth, all they see is 💵 when they see your children. Stop incentivizing these human traffickers from stealing our children and selling them to strangers who only want to make them, in my case at least, as sick as possible because the sicker my child is the more money this foster woman makes. If this has happened to you or you know somebody, if you’ve heard stories, if you have a heart sign this petition. This has to end. God did not give us children to just have to suffer without them. Quit putting man above God. These people literally get away with things that people doing in a lifetime do but in one day. One single day. Everyday. The system has been breaking for a long time it’s 2024, the end of agony that we, all of Americans have suffered at the hand of Biden, please sign this and make the incentivizing to take people’s children and sell them so that they can make more and more money and become more powerful. For profit, money, sins. I promise if it can happen to me, it can happen to you don’t think for one second that you’re safe, sign the petition.
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