Investigate & Charge Person(s) Responsible for Dog Poisoning in Minnesota

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Tom Charboneau of the Bemidji Police Department

In a recent incident in Bemidji, Minnesota, one dog perished and three others were deathly ill due to a strychnine poisoning, which is a poison that is used for rodents. The dogs’ owner informed law enforcement that she had returned home after being gone for a few days to find her dogs acting sick. She immediately brought them into her veterinarian where she was then told it was a strychnine poisoning. She was stunned because it was unknown how the animal’s contracted the poison; she does have any such chemicals in or around her home.

The veterinarian continued to report that the poison suspected in this incident is something rarely available and is unattainable over-the-counter. No further information is available at this time as to whether the dogs may have contracted this poison in their own yards while being cared for in the absence of the owner. The dog’s owner is hopeful that spreading her story and encouraging an investigation in an effort to stop further incidents.

Although one of the dog’s succumbed to its injuries with the poison, the other three are still undergoing treatment. In the meantime, we are urging the Bemidji Police Department to do a thorough investigation and continue to do so until the culprit is apprehended and charged. You can help to gain justice for these poor dogs by signing and sharing this petition. Similar situations have occurred where the poison was placed in hamburger balls and given to dogs and cats in a Bemidji trailer park. In that incident, suspects were charged and we are hoping an investigation into this current poisoning case will lead to the same type of ending.

Tom Charboneau of the Bemidji Police Department – We are urging you to complete and full investigation into the strychnine poisoning of several dogs in Bemidji. One of the dogs perished while three are still undergoing treatment. The owner of the animals was away when this occurred and it is very sad that someone has such little regard for life, even an animal. Ensure you continue your investigation until you find the culprit(s) and implement appropriate charges if found guilty. Be a voice for this animals and gain them justice and closure.

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