Her Kitten Was Brutally Strangled By Her Estranged Husband

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Pittston City Police Department

In a heart-wrenching act of cruelty, a Pennsylvania man brutally murdered a helpless kitten, likely to emotionally harm his estranged wife. The details are appalling – the man went to sign divorce papers, and when his wife was in another room, he picked the kitten up, strangled and twisted the poor baby until it died. While this man pled guilty to his brutal crime, we must ensure animals are safe from him for the rest of his life.

We urge the Pittston City Police Department to mandating intensive psychological counseling for the perpetrator to address the underlying issues leading to such violent behavior and impose a lifetime ban on animal ownership!

The death of this kitten is not just a loss of life but a stark reminder of the need for better protective measures for all animals. 

Let's honor the memory of this kitten by advocating for a safer environment for all animals.

Sign this petition to demand that the Pittston City Police Department authorities ensure this man never hurts another animal again.

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