Stop L'Oréal Animal Testing

Many beauty/healthcare companies have for as many as 95 years tested their products on animals. They use animals such as rabbits, rats, mice, guinea pigs, dogs, and cats. The animals are used to test the amount of eye irritation and skin irritation that is caused by a product or chemical, and companies also test chemicals to see the effect it has on the animal's health and wellbeing. Not only do these tests inflict physical pain on animals, but it causes mental pain too. The animals are kept in tiny cages in laboratories and many suffer from loneliness and abuse.
For decades, people have been testing cosmetics and healthcare products on animals causing them pain and suffering. Over 100 million animals are harmed in the United States of America per year. Harm can be in the form of burns, injuries, poison, and death. Some tests involve killing a pregnant animal and doing tests on its fetus. The animals that are being used in the tests are kept in tiny cages and often mistreated.
Many countries have a required law that companies have to test on animals in order to sell their products. Some countries in Europe have laws banning products from being sold in their country that have been tested on animals. The Unites States does not have a law preventing products that have been tested on animals from being sold, so products that are bought in the United States may have been tested on animals even if the Unites States was not the country to have done the testing.
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