LAPD Helicopters Emit Far More Emissions Than Any Celebrity Jet

Lately, a lot of celebrities have rightfully come under fire for their reckless and wasteful use of private jets. These wildly unnecessary short jet trips, which could easily be made via car, standard airplane, or train, require millions of gallons of fuel and emit thousands of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These short jet trips are bad, but what the Los Angeles Police Department is doing is even worse. In just one year, LAPD's helicopters released more than double the emissions of the public figure with the highest private jet emissions. 

Sign now to demand the LAPD end their wasteful use of helicopters!

In LA, the police have an estimated 34 helicopters in their possession. That means the LAPD has the largest municipal airborne law enforcement operation in the entire world. 

To make matters worse, these helicopters aren't typically used for emergencies. They're considered a standard part of patrol, and at any given moment, at least two are in the air. Data shows that LAPD helicopters fly lowest and loudest over predominantly Black neighborhoods, "subjecting those residents to unwarranted stress, trauma, and sleep deprivation -- in addition to blanketing those neighborhoods with toxic airborne pollutants."

These wildly unnecessary helicopter excursions are destroying the planet, and local taxpayers are footing the bill. It is time the LAPD commits to dramatically reducing their helicopter use to stop polluting our earth! Sign the petition now if you agree!

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