Retire blind, handicapped elephant Pawan Kali - No more tourist rides!

Pawan Kali is a 70+ year old, handicapped elephant living at Hotel Seven Star in Chitwan, Nepal.  This poor elephant is partially blind and in constant pain due to a lifetime of abuse, but is still forced to give safari rides to tourists and guests of the hotel.

Her list of obvious ailments is long, and includes: a deformed leg, malnutrition, open wounds, and scarring across her body. Her physical condition is the result of her treatment and "training." In Nepal, safari elephants are trained through food deprivation, confinement and regular beatings, as well as physical restraints such as chaining and shackeling.

Sign the petition and appeal to the Hotel Association Nepal for her well-deserved retirement immediately.

We, the undersigned, urge you to provide retirement for the safari elephant Pawan Kali at Hotel Seven Star. Pawan Kali is 70+ years old, handicapped and suffering from ill health. Safari elephants, like humans, deserve to be well treated and to retire after a life of hard work and struggle. 

Opdater #29 år siden
Despite our efforts the Nepalese safari industry till now did not retired Pawan Kali and she has been send back to her owner in India. Our Indian campaigner friends are taken over from here. We hope to be able to give you better new soon.

In the meantime, keep spreading the word about the abuse aspects of elephant safaris. Many Pawan Kalis are cruelly trained, abused and kept on chains continuously for the sake of tourist rides. Jointly we can stop the exploitation of these majestic beings.
Opdater #19 år siden
Dear friends,

We are delighted to see that over 100.000 concerned people have signed our petition to retire Pawan Kali. We are presently in contact with the Hotel Association Nepal and other stakeholders. We hope to bring you some positive news soon.

We will not rest until Pawan Kali and many other elephants like her receive the credit and care they deserve.

Elephant Watch Nepal team
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