Demand the Victorian Government Permanently Bans Duck Hunting

  • af: Georgia B
  • mottagare: Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews

Duck hunting is still permitted in Victoria, despite strong opposition from animal rights groups, conservationists and the wider public.

The RSPCA is opposed to duck hunting as it "causes unnecessary injury, pain, suffering and distress to the animals involved". Environmentalists state wild duck populations are already under stress from climate change and loss of habitat.

Now protesters say they have discovered pits containing nearly 200 dead ducks at the Koorangie State Game Reserve, according to a report on

The discovery comes just a week after Victoria's duck hunting season opened, which has led to allegations hunters are exceeding legal bag limits.

Duck hunting is cruel, unwarranted and as the recent discovery of pits containing nearly 200 dead ducks - impossible to police. It simply must end!

Please sign the petition to demand the Victorian Government permanently bans duck hunting.

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