• af: Vincent Woodard
  • mottagare: Petition to Resurface and/or repair pickleball courts - Relocate the lights to the pickleball courts - Build additional pickleball courts, Wilson, NC

The citizens below of Wilson County, North Carolina petition the following:

Wilson City Council, Wilson County Commissioners, Wilson Recreation Commission, Wilson Recreation Department, and the City Manager to

1.) Resurface and/or repair pickleball courts located at The Greater Wilson Rotary Park. The
courts are visibly deteriorating and are very much in need of repair and maintenance.

2.) Relocate the lights from the condemned tennis courts at The Recreation Park Community
Center to light the pickleball courts at The Greater Wilson Rotary Park

3.) Build additional (preferably lit) pickleball courts in Wilson County.

Due to the ever-increasing popularity of pickleball and the dramatic increase in the number of players vying for access to courts, Wilson County residents would welcome the maintenance of the existing courts and would most certainly utilize additional pickleball courts.

In addition, the renovation of our existing courts and any additional courts would bring in players from adjacent counties who would contribute to the economic growth and standing of Wilson.

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