An international Legion anti poaching foundation

I am a former volunteer who spent 2 years with the International Legion in Ukraine. During my time in Ukraine I had seen the raw reality of animals who fell victim to the war, displaced from loving homes because their human counterparts had been blown up, including animals with missing limbs who never received medical attention.

I have a the support of fully trained soldiers with combat experience who would be willing to form a legion to protect endangered animals from poachers.

I would like to organise a free trade agreement between Africa and Australia to establish an international legion equivalent to Ukraine that defends the justice of animals through anti poaching, 2 endangered lions both male and female each year to be introduced to 1000 subdivided hectares of outback Australian land to slowly build a lion safari safe from poaching. This can also promote prophet and tourism for lion safari tours in outback Australia. The African outback is not too different from the Australian outback, only the main source of food for the lions will be kangaroo and not bovine.

For every 1000 signatures I will send this petition to both the parliament of Australia and Africa 

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