REAL Punishment For Cruel Animal Abusers!

  • af: Eric Rardin
  • mottagare: Abdulhamit Gül, Turkish Minister of Justice

Hasan Kuzu and Neset Yaman grinned as they posed for photographs while holding the severed ears of a defenseless puppy!

Add your name if you want make sure wicked people like them are punished FOR REAL!

Just look at them.

What kind of evil person slices the ears off of a defenseless dog and then poses for a picture?

All that poor little dog wanted to do was give them his love.

But his only reward was unspeakable pain and suffering.

"In one photograph blood pours from the animal's horrific wounds as it is forced to look at its own severed ears," according to Express UK.

They added: "the two sick animal-haters were convicted in the South West region of Turkey in Isparta."

What punishment did they face for this senseless cruelty?

A fine of just £850. (About $1101.)

What happened to the poor dog?

According to the same source: "Reports of the conviction in Turkey suggest the dog was never found."

I will not forget that helpless dog.

And I will not stand by while animal abusers get away with a slap on the wrist.

Are you with me?

We're calling on the government of Turkey to implement a two-pronged deterrent to unforgivable cruelty like this: first, we're asking them to impose harsh punishments for animal abusers; and second, we're asking them to ensure that convicted criminals like Hasan Kuzu and Neset Yaman are never allowed to own animals again.

Don't you think that animal abusers deserve REAL punishment?

Then add your name to ask Abdulhamit Gül, Turkish Minister of Justice, to take action within his government that would impose strict punishment against convicted animal abusers AND ensure that they are never able to own animals again!

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