Good Intentions, Tragic Consequences: Help Education of Responsible Animal Care!

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Thai Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

The recent case of 42 kittens abandoned at the roadside in Mai Khao is a stark reminder of Thailand's stray animal epidemic. Thankfully, most of the animals were rescued, although tragically 12 were dead when they arrived. The person who put these poor cats in this position was charged with animal cruelty – but it's important to note she thought she was helping the kittens by taking them from the monastery where they were being cared for already. This horrible situation underscores the need for public education when it comes to caring for stray animals.

Sign this petition to urge the Thai Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives to fund a public education campaign about the importance of spaying and neutering pets!

A comprehensive public education campaign can significantly alter the current paradigm of animal welfare in Thailand. By informing the public about the benefits of spaying and neutering over sheltering, we can reduce the number of stray animals, limit the spread of diseases, and improve the overall health of our animal populations.

The government can ensure that every pet owner and potential pet owner understands the long-term benefits of spaying and neutering. This knowledge is crucial for preventing unwanted litters and reducing the strain on local shelters.

Sign the petition now to urge the Thai Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives to invest in a public education campaign!

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