Save the Ethiopian Wolf

  • af: Lynn Hamilton
  • mottagare: Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority

The Ethiopian wolf is the most endangered canid (biological family including wolves and dogs) in the world, according to the Wildlife Conservation Network. This wily wolf, which looks much like a fox, roams the mountains of Ethopia, but farm land is encroaching on its habitat. And diseases spread by wild dogs have had a devastating effect on the population. Rabies and distemper, fatal illnesses contracted from invading dogs, have driven the Ethopian fox to the point of extinction.

The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority has an opportunity to protect and save this majestic wolf from going the way of the dodo. Please join me in asking the authority's Dawud Mume to protect these wolves from disease and establish a network of connected natural corridors that would allow them to range safely while also preserving farm land.

Dear Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority:

The Ethiopian wolf is the most endanagered canid in the world and one of only three wolves that inhabit Africa. As such, you should regard this animal as a national treasure.

Unfortunately, diseases disseminated by wild dogs have killed off a great number of these wolves. Farm land is encroaching on their habitat. Please help protect these wolves from disease and establish a network of connected natural corridors that would allow them to range safely while also preserving farm land.

Thank you,
[Your name here]

Opdater #17 år siden
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