The massacre of many animals in China due to the so-called "surprise box" ... Watch the video

The surprise box phenomenon has swept the Chinese youth by purchasing these boxes over the Internet.
This is what was the cause of the death of many animals due to suffocation, and this video confirms the matter via the source of Mutouk on Twitter.

You can watch the video here: A video of surprise boxes containing many animals

And many sites have commented that this matter is a great massacre against vulnerable animals, especially on social media, denouncing the punishment of anyone who tries to trade animals in this immoral and inhuman way.

The logistics company wrote in a description of the incident, that the bus in which the animals were found: "It was full of barking and meowing sounds. And since the truck door was closed, the air was not entered at all, and the animals were suffocating." She spent or fought. "

A user of "Weibo", the Chinese counterpart to "Twitter", said that she saw a mysterious parcel containing a dog or cat sold at a price not exceeding one dollar over the Internet.

A special hashtag on this matter has spread widely, as its views on "Weibo" exceeded 420 million as of Friday morning, amid many calls to boycott the parties involved in this scandal.

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