Help the Beagles and Horses that were Living in Horrific Condition in Arlington Illinois

Over 20 Beagles and 7 horses have been living in horrible conditions for numerous years. The owner has an unreasonable number of animals that a person is physically and financially able to care for. This is an on going offense over looked year after year. In the past the owner has been charged with operating a kennel without a license, 5 violations of live stock running at large and all charges have been dismissed. Please sign this petition to ensure the animals are not returned to this situation. 

RE: Dan Labounty, Arlington, IL

As a society, we must call a halt to the acceptance of cruelty to animals and enforce a policy of harsh punishment for these crimes. To allow individuals guilty of perpetrating neglect and inhumane care to continue is unacceptable. Please send a strong message to the community that cruelty and neglect to animals will not be tolerated. This situation has gone on for too many years. 

Thank you for your valuable time and consideration.

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