Demand Stronger Laws For Dangerous Dogs In North Carolina

    There is a dangerous pit bull mix that has attacked three dogs killing two of them, attacked a grown man, and attempted to attack a child. One of the dogs was my dog Crunch. He was the sweetest little long haired dachshund. The killer dog was not removed from animal control. They said they don’t have the authority. The laws need to change to strengthen the animal control’s power to remove a dog deemed dangerous for attacking a human or domestic animal. If the dog had been removed after the first attack two other precious dogs would still be alive. The dog is still at home with its owner and got out again last night. Our neighborhood is unsafe. We have multiple children under 4 years old on our block who cannot play outside right now because it isn’t safe. The system failed our dogs and our children. It failed our community as a whole. This petition calls for two actions…
    1. For the dangerous dog to be removed immediately for the protection and safety of our community.
    2. To strengthen the dangerous dog laws to require animal control (or the proper authorities) to remove the dangerous dog immediately after any attack.
    My dog, Crunch, and my neighbors dog, Max, didn’t deserve such a gruesome tragic end to their lives. Angel, the dog who was attacked but thankfully lived, didn’t deserve what she went though either. And none of the moms on the block should ever have to be traumatized in such a way. Let’s stand together and make a change. These poor little dogs cannot die in vain. Sign today to force a change.
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