Authorities Are Returning 39 Animals to a Deadly Private Zoo. Demand Justice Now!

In December 2023, authorities made a horrific discovery: a private zoo in Virginia had dead body parts from former animals at the zoo stashed all around the property. To protect the remaining animals, officials seized 96 animals to keep them safe.

Now, however, authorities are returning 39 of the animals back to Natural Bridge Zoo. How in the world could they ever justify this?

Sign the petition to demand Virginia officials rescue the last 39 animals from this deadly zoo and send them to reputable sanctuaries!

During the trial against Natural Bridge Zoo, witnesses testified that they found the corpses and dismembered body parts of multiple animals in a freezer, as well as dead, bloated, decomposing carcasses elsewhere on the property.

Living animals were also enduring continued torment. Asha the elephant, for example, was forced to give rides to hundreds of visitors each day - and at night she was chained up inside a ramshackle barn, where she slept and stood in her own urine.

The state government knows this facility is unsafe - that's why it ordered the zoo to send 57 of the animals to shelters or humane societies. If it can't trust this zoo with those animals' health and wellbeing, how can it entrust any other animals to the facility?

We have to speak out for the animals now, before Natural Bridge Zoo subjects them to any more unspeakable horrors. We must prevent more tragedies from unfolding. Sign the petition to demand that officials close down the Natural Bridge Zoo and send every single last animal there to safe sanctuaries!
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