NOTE: Please sign this as well!! Very Important!
On October 25, 2018, the Asheville Police were alerted to several acts of animal cruelty circulating on social media. Allegedly, there were pictures of mutilated cats being posted. On Saturday, October 27, 2018, a very sweet and adored family pet named "Kitty" died near his home under possibly horrific circumstances. His body was then mutilated and hung behind a local grocery store by three alleged perpetrators.
Officers were alerted to social media images posted on Instagram and Facebook showing the dead cat strung up and sliced open, posed with hypodermic needles in its body and drugs in its mouth.
Based upon the posted pictures, police arrested 26-year-old Shariah Jessamyn Metzger and 29-year-old Jace Lee Greene on charges of improper burial of an animal. The suspects have since been charged with one additional count of instigating cruelty to animals. As a result, Metzger and Greene have both had bail set at $20,000. APD is still seeking information on the whereabouts of a third suspect, Zackery Eugene Greene, who has yet to be located.
When interrogated, the alleged perpetrators tried to assert that the cat was theirs; however, a microchip scan of the body proved otherwise. The alleged perpetrators also attempted to assert that the cat was already dead. A necropsy has been done to find out exactly how the cat died, and results will be released at the trial. In the meantime, the family is devastated. Kitty was a very loved family member — a trusting and sweet cat, who did not deserve the cruel end he met at the hands of humans.
As members of the Asheville community, we are highly disturbed by this violent incident. We not only object to abusive acts toward animals on a moral level, but are seriously concerned by the implications such acts of violence toward animals have for predicting future violent acts toward humans. Statistics show a clear link between animal abuse and violence toward humans. This includes child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, and other violent behavior. In fact, studies show that there is a connection between animal abuse and crimes such as rape, sexual homicide, domestic abuse, and robbery.
If the evidence supports it, the signators of this petition want to see the alleged perpetrators held fully responsible for their crime and support conviction on all charges and sentencing of the full penalty available under the law. The community of Asheville wants this case to be an example to others that we will not tolerate acts of violence against either animals or humans.
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