Cut. Scabbed. Underweight. Made to walk up a steep rocky walkway. Donkeys on Kos Island.

In Kos a Greek island in the Aegean Sea, donkeys are worked 12 hours per day in the heat that can reach 36degrees+ with dirty water. They have chain bridles that have left scars where it has cut into their noses. They carry any person willing to pay 5 euros to travel to the top or to the bottom of an intensely steep rocky walkway to a tourism hot spot, the geothermal pools. The walkway has been so steep that one of the donkeys had scabbed knees to where they couldn't bare the climb and fell. Not only do they have to walk up and down this walkway all day but they are also whipped if they stop. The hooves of the donkeys are also over grown and the donkeys themselves are underweight. This needs to stop.

Opdater #110 år siden
Thank you very much for signing this petition, I have written a review on trip advisor about the pathway leading towards the thermal springs, known as the Thermes. I did this to tell people and to show people so they can be aware of what they are doing when they pay the 5 euros. I don't think people understand what these animals go through and what sitting on their back later contributes to. That is why I have chosen to enlightened them and asked if they would sign this petition.
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