MONTENEGRO - Animal rights are a foreign word in this country !!!!

  • af: Kurt Amsler
  • mottagare: Decision makers in government and tourism.

Decision makers:
Hon. Jakov Milatovic, President
Hon. Milojko Spajić, Prime Minister
Hon. Vladimir Martinovc, Minister of Tourism / Ecology
Hon. Ana Novaković Đurović, Minister of Environment
Hon. Milos Markovic, Maida Gorčević, Ministry of European Affairs,
Mrs. Tripković Marković, Ana, National Tourism Board
Mr. Mihailo Jovovic, Editor in Chief, Daily Press" Publishing
Mrs. Ana Tripkovic Markovic, Montenegro.Travel

Idyllic bays, high mountains, clear sea water and scenic charm promise a high potential for tourist highlights - but the idyll is deceptive…

Animal rights and animal protection are a foreign word in this country !!!
Pets are abandoned, beaten to death, drowned, run over, poisoned, tortured, live sick on chains, or become lonely in small cages. In the few animal shelters in the country, the collected dogs languish in open kennels without protection from the weather until they are killed.
Hunting is also not subject to any rules or regulations; wolves are even rewarded for hunting and predators can be publicly displayed in circus wagons without any species-appropriate accommodation. Animal protection in this country is at best a phrase that you hear from time to time, but whose meaning is not even remotely implemented.

This animal suffering does not go unnoticed by visitors !!
Anyone who has eyes not only sees the beautiful landscape, but also the misery in the cities and towns. Countless carcasses of run-over dogs on the side of the road that no one feels called upon to dispose of. Bitches desperately trying to get their puppies safely across the street. Wounded and dying dogs, or fights for leftover food on the countless mountains of garbage.
This obvious animal suffering affects and angers many people. Holidays should be about relaxation and joy, who wants to see helpless animals left to their own devices - without being able to help.
Countless people are expressing their outrage about this on platforms such as Trip Advisor, travel blogs or Facebook and no longer want to visit the country of Montenegro.

And this petition "aims" at exactly this point !!!
No country that wants and needs to promote tourism wants negative "publicity".
That's why the signatures and the protest letter go to the tourism minister, other members of the government and the most important media in the country.
The opinions of many thousands of people will not go unheard there, because it is about an image problem that can have a very negative impact on tourism.
Those responsible must realize that this animal cruelty is no longer a "national problem" - but is also known abroad!!

Montenegro wants to become an EU country in 2028 !!!
The country has had a new president for almost a year. Milojko Spajić is considered a reformer and is 36 years old. The current situation when it comes to animal rights and protection will never, ever meet the EU regulations. Another reason to initiate a change.

In addition to the signatures,  these protest letters in English and Montenegrin will also be sent via email to the decision makers mentioned above:

To whom it may concern
I actually always had a good impression of your country. That's why I was very surprised to read such facts in Western media, on social networks and now in this petition. What is happening to the animals in Montenegro is shocking. Animal rights and animal protection seem to be a "foreign word" here. !!! Pets are abandoned, beaten to death, drowned, run over, poisoned, tortured, live sick on chains, or become lonely in small cages. In the few animal shelters in the country, the collected dogs suffer in open kennels, without protection from the weather, until they are killed. Hunting is also not subject to any rules or regulations, wolves are even rewarded for hunting and wild animals can be publicly displayed in circus wagons without any species-appropriate accommodation. Animal protection is at best a „word of a phrase" but is not implemented. I hope that with the new president and the revisions to the law for EU accession, something going to change!!
To make it clear - myself, as well as my family and friends, will no longer visit Montenegro or spend holidays there until this cruelty has changed…
Sincerely yours

Sima koji donose odluke
Vaša je zemlja na mene uvijek ostavljala dobar utisak. Zbog toga sam bila jako iznenađena kad sam pročitala ove činjenice u zapadnim medijima, na socijalnim mrežama i sada u ovoj peticiji. Ono što se dešava sa životinjama u Crnoj Gori je šokantno. Izgleda da su kod vas prava životinja i zaštita životinja „strane riječi"!!! Domaće životinje se izbacuju iz domova i kuća, na smrt premlaćuju, utapaju, gaze vozilima, truju, muče, žive bolesne na lancu ili se drže same u malim kavezima. U onih nekoliko azila za životinje sakupljeni psi pate u otvorenim kavezima bez zaštite od vremenskih neprilika sve dok ne budu ubijeni. I lov ne podliježe nikakvim pravilima ili propisima. Lov na vukove se čak nagrađuje, a divlje životinje smiju se bez odgovarajućeg smještaja držati u cirkuskim kolima i javno pokazivati publici. Zaštita životinja samo je prazna fraza koja se ne sprovodi. Nadam se da će se s novim predsjednikom i izmjenama zbog zakona o pristupu Evropskoj uniji bar nešto promijeniti.!!!
I da bude sasvim jasno:
Ni ja niti moja porodica i prijatelji koje ću o svemu obavijestiti neće više posjećivati Crnu Goru ili odlaziti tamo na ljetovanje dok ne prestanu ove strahote ....
Uz prijateljski pozdrav

Informative links:
Tierhilfe / Tierschützer in Montenegro:änder/montenegro/
Tanja Jecmenica
Vanja Bebana
Mail Adressen der Entscheidungsträger :
Ministerium Touristik / Umwelt
Ministry of European Affairs
Prime Minister:
Presse Tageszeitungen:

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