Bulent Sabuncu email adresi: bsabuncu@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Riza Tevfik Morova email adresi: rtmorova@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Henryk Drowniak email adresi: hdrowniak@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Mark Minasyan email adresi: mminasyan@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Tayfun Ates email adresi: tates@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Mehmet Karadayi email adresi: mkaradayi@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Muammer Gunay email adresi: mgunay@kemeryonetim.com.tr
Dikkatine: Bulent Sabuncu email adresi: bsabuncu@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Riza Tevfik Morova email adresi: rtmorova@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Henryk Drowniak email adresi: hdrowniak@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Mark Minasyan email adresi: mminasyan@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Tayfun Ates email adresi: tates@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Mehmet Karadayi email adresi: mkaradayi@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Muammer Gunay email adresi: mgunay@kemeryonetim.com.tr
Konu: 25 Mayis 2015 tarihinde aldiginiz kararlar (Ekte yayinladiginiz bildiri)
Hayvanlarin da yasama hakki oldugu Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Kanunlari ile belirlenmistir. Sitenizde bulunan sahipsiz hayvanlar adina aldiginiz, ekte bulunan ve 01.06.2015 tarihinden itibaren uygulayacaginiz kararlar, kanunlara karsi ve insanlik adina utanc vericidir. Hayvanlari Koruma Kanunun 6. Maddesi uyarinca, sahipsiz hayvanlarin bulunduklari ortamda yasamalari esastir. Onlarin ‘toplatilip, baska yerlere birakilmasi’, insanlarin yasama alanlarindan uzak, su ve yemek bulmalarinin cok zor oldugu bolgelere terk edilmeleri anlamindadir. Karariniz sonucu hayvanlar aclik ve susuzluktan izdirap icerisinde olecektir.
Sahipsiz hayvanlarinin yasam hakkina saygi duymak, sitenizin ve toplumun her bireyinin insanlik gorevidir. Size cagrimiz, sitenizdeki ‘sikayetci ve hayvan istemeyen insanlari’ kanunlar konusunda biliclendirmeniz ve insanlik gorevlerinizi yerine getirmenizdir. Bu tahammulsuzluk, butun sahipsiz hayvanlar adina tehlike yaratmaktadir. Onlari toplatip mechule atmak, veya olume terk etmek, en kolay ve en vicdansiz cozumdur. Sizin gibi maddi olanaklari goze alindiginda toplumun sansli sayilan kesimlerinin, daha insancil, yasam hakkina saygili ve sevecen cozumlerle, toplumun yasayan her bireyine yardimci olmasi gerekmektedir. Bu sizin insanlik ve vatandaslik gorevinizdir. Bu konuda size onerilerimiz su sekildedir:
Gereginin yapilip toplumun bilgilendirilmesini rica ederiz.
ATTENTION TO: Bulent Sabuncu email adresi: bsabuncu@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Riza Tevfik Morova email adresi: rtmorova@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Henryk Drowniak email adresi: hdrowniak@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Mark Minasyan email adresi: mminasyan@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Tayfun Ates email adresi: tates@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Mehmet Karadayi email adresi: mkaradayi@kemeryonetim.com.tr, Muammer Gunay email adresi: mgunay@kemeryonetim.com.tr
Subject: Your announcement on May 25, 2015 (Your announcement is attached)
Animals' right to life is acknowledged by the laws of Republic of Turkey. Your resolutions regarding the stray animals in your community which will be applied starting from June 1, 2015, are against these laws and a shame to humanity. By the Animal Protection Law Article No 6, stray animals have the right to live in their original environment. ‘Collecting them and relocating’ means, they will be thrown away to deserted, areas away from residential areas where it would be very hard for them to find food and water. According to your resolution, they will starve and thirst to death while suffering tremendously.
It is your and every human beings responsibility to respect the lives of stray animals in your community. We invite you to educate the people who are ‘complacent and don’t want to see them around’ and honor your obligation to humanity. These intolerant behaviors are endangering the whole stray animal population. It the easiest and the most heartless solution to throw them away in deserted areas, or leave them suffering to death. Given that you belong to one of the most fortunate communities, it is required for you to help every living being of the society with respectful and caring solutions. This is your obligation to the community and your nation. We would like to suggest you the following about this situation:
Please take the action and inform the society as appropriate.
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