Stop destructive methods of waterfowl control!

  • af: Nicole Corrado
  • mottagare: Government of Canada, TRCA, City of Toronto

The City of Toronto and surrounding areas remove the eggs of geese who are less than 14 days old. They thankfully do not cull, but egg removal is controversial.

For the Canadian Government and any jurisdiction that culls:

Ban the use of culling (the killing of adult birds and hatched chicks). Culling is cruel, and leaves space for more birds to move in.

Ban the oiling and/or removal of eggs once the air sack becomes active (14 days in Canada geese).

Ban the act of shaking eggs, piercing eggs, or using oil other than 100% corn oil. (The petition creator does not agree with any egg destruction, but understands that legislating this practice prevents culling and more cruel methods of egg and nest disturbance.)

For jurisidictions that use egg oiling or nest removal:

When the eggs are oiled, the parents sit on the eggs and become increasingly frustrated while waiting for them to hatch.

When the eggs are removed, the parents feel the trauma of their clutch being destroyed by humans.

Either in cases of egg oiling or egg removal is that the bird parents know their eggs are alive as soon as they are laid. They love them regardless of how old they are. Who are we to say that a goose egg holds only cells at 13 days, and a gosling at 14 days? Please consider non destructive ways to live with all waterfowl. If eggs are laid in a dangerous spot and must be removed, please consider rescue ing them and bringing them alive to a wildlife rehabilitation centre.

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