Shut down Hoax Website Bonsai Kitten

  • af: Michelle Russell
  • mottagare: IFAW and Bonsai Kitten Webmaster

Even though the site is a hoax, I firmly believe this site should be taken down.

This site may create further violence toward animals as well encouraging abuse which should never be tolerated in any society. 

Please sign to help us shut this atrocious site down. The website is confusing for adults and children alike. If a child were to stumble upon this, they may unintentionally cause harm to their pet. In fact, their kids project page is a disgrace. I feel that this directly impacts on animal abuse. See

Do not accept animal abuse in any form, hoax or not.

Opdater #210 år siden
Hello again everybody. Unfortunately I was incorrect to advise you this site has been shut down. The webmaster has blocked my IP address instead. I will look at other avenues in getting this site closed once and for all. Thank you again for your support and please accept my apology.
Kindest Regards,
Opdater #110 år siden
Thank you all so much for signing my petition to close down the Bonsai Kitten website. I am extremely happy to announce to you all that this site is now shut down. Again, thank you all. Without your help this wouldn't have been possible!!!
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