around 300 homeless dogs live at the animal shelter „charity" in Lviv, Ukraine under horrendous conditions – there is a total lack of adequate supplies of food and medication is not administered, as the director of the shelter (who took over illegally after the death of her predecessor) misappropriates all incoming funds which are raised through false and misleading advertising throughout the city.
No one except the cohorts of the director are allowed on the grounds - but one of the former employees was able, before being fired, to gather evidence of some of the atrocities. Dogs are dying daily under the most horrible conditions, starvation resulting in cannabilism, there is rampant disease without any medical attention, and not even the most basic hygiene.
A legal case is pending but until this goes to court, the animals are suffering...
Please keep signing and forwarding, help us expose these criminals and protect the innocent creatures who cannot speak for themselves!!!