No regional restrictions for Call of Duty Black Ops 2 for Russian players!

In the 11th of October, 2012, the company-publisher Noviy Disk announced, that regional restrictions have introduced in russian version of Call of Duty: Black Ops II, and the game will be available only for players, who have the same version.

As it turned out, these measures were called because of buying keys by players outside of Russia and the CIS. Games, in Russia, are 50% cheaper (in some cases more) than in the West (Europe, America). Players
outside the CIS bought our keys at a very low (for them) price.

It seems, that the company-publisher Activision does not understand, that there is no blame of russian players, it is the only problem of a publisher. The meaning of the multiplayer is going to collapse, because it does not planned as playing on ONE BIG LAN. No, it planned as the game between different people, in different parts of the world.
Also fewness of russian players and servers will play a very important role in the fact, that russian players  will refuse buying Black Ops II, and publisher will lose a share of profits!

In the CIS game published by ND, and it is on the one hand has the right to impose such restrictions, although it was not its fault, it is Activision’s blame, and let it be regional limitations, but I'm sorry, why the players who buy the game directly in Steam should have the same regional restrictions??
It is not fair! It is discrimination for us, Russians! We should not suffer because of European and American speculators!

We, the Russian community, ask Activision, Treyarch, Valve  immediately remove regional restrictions at least for Steam version. The decision of Noviy Disk remains on their own conscience.
Also it would be greate, if you can give us such an opportunity ike it was in case with Borderlands 2.
The purchase of Call of Duty Black Ops 2 for russian players in Steam like that: players will be given the ability to activate 2-game versions: Russian (regional) and international (without limitation)!

Please understand our Community. No matter who we are: russins, americans, europeans, we all people, which have absolutely identical rights!
Thank you!

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