Stop the AT&T / T-Mobile sale!
- af: Angela
- mottagare: AT&T and FCC
Stop the monopoly that will be created by this sale and protect the customers affected by this on both sides. AT&T is a corrupt company that can't even deal with the problems it has created from it's unethical and unfair business dealings with it's current customers. There are millions of AT&T and T-Mobile customers who will be the losers in this deal. T-Mobile customers will see their bills increase while the customers service will decrease. AT&T has already stated that they will have to "upgrade" to new phones. We AT&T customers already know that this means more people with more complaints due to crippled phones, no updates on phones, poor customer service (which will decline even more with the influx of "new" customers), and more headaches for us existing customers. AT&T needs to clean up it's act and keep it's current customers "generally" happy, before they try to bring on several million more to a company that is struggling in a lot of critical areas to begin with. There are still customers from the latest AT&T aquisition who are still waiting MONTHS after being "bought" by AT&T to have cell service, why compound the issue by allowing this monstrosity to proceed this is a huge anti-trust issue. Why did the courts go through the trouble of breaking up this giant monopoly only to let it become a monopoly again? That is wrong and needs to be dealt with. The blog sites, along with the social network sites and comment boards have been flooded with people who are opposed to this. You need to listen to them. There is a reason people are with a different company and that is because they tried AT&T and weren't happy, and now you want to merge the 2? Do you really think those customers who were unhappy before will stick around? STOP THE INSANITY!!!! Don't allow AT&T to gobble up this company only to spit out more unhappy customers. I gaurantee that this will happen. This sale will not "fix" AT&T's problems. Make them honor their current contracts before handing them more. Thank you.
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