Save the Iberian Lynx From Extinction

  • af: Crystal W.
  • mottagare: President of the Portuguese Republic--Anibal Cavaco Silva, Prime Minister--Jose Socrates

Lets save the Iberian Lynx from extinction!

It is the most endangered cat species in the world. If this species died out, it would be the first feline extinction since the sabre-toothed tiger 10,000 years ago.

Studies conducted have estimated the number of surviving Iberian lynx to be as few as 100 left.

Its critical status is mainly due to habitat loss, poisoning, road casualties, feral dogs and poaching. Its habitat loss is due mainly to infrastructure improvement, urban and resort development and tree monocultivation, which serves to break the lynx's distribution area. Another great loss is the depletion of its prey, the rabbit, which are dying out in great numbers as well due to diseases and trapping.

While they are under protection and conservation efforts are now underway, more should be done for this beautiful cat before we lose them forever. The efforts are a struggle when constant building, logging, accidental trapping from farmers, and drivers on roadways are killing them.

We the undersigned are pleading for more conservation efforts. Stop destroying their habitats. Do not build where they reside. Provide a safe place/reserve for them to thrive, and rebuild their population.

Save the Iberian Lynx before its too late!!

*(photos provided by search engine)

We the undersigned are pleading for more conservation efforts. Stop destroying their habitats. Do not build where they reside. Provide a safe place/reserve for them to thrive, and rebuild their population. Save the Iberian Lynx before it%u2019s too late!!
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