Demand Transport Canada Amend Water Aerodrome Regulations, Now!

    Every lake in the Province of Ontario is at risk! Transport Canada has sole jurisdiction of Aeronautics and makes it absurdly easy for anyone to register a dock as a water aerodrome without mandatory consultation with provincial and municipal jurisdictions or the public. As a result, the construction of massive steel docks can be done on any lake in total secrecy, leaving municipalities and lake residents without any power to stop it. Some individuals hide their true intentions to build boathouses by using the loop-holes in these federal regulations. Municipalities then have to incur the costs of lengthy legal battles to have them removed. Massive steel docks pounded into lakebeds, often with bubblers, have huge environmental impacts on the lake ecosystems. Enjoyment of the lake and safety of the residents are also concerns. Transport Canada must amend these regulations and require that Water Aerodromes follow the same regulations as Land Aerodromes.
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