Demand food and water for beach dogs in India! Sell food for dogs on beach restaurant menus!

  • af: Sylvia Subramaniam
  • mottagare: Prashant Shetgaonkar of Golden Eye Beach Shack in Goa, India. Ashvem Beach, Mandrem, Pernem---Goa. Phone: 2244408

Western tourists who visit India's ocean quickly notice the sweet stray dogs who fend for themselves on the beaches. They are wonderful dogs that roam around in search of kindness from just about anyone, but locals pass them by and they go hungry, thirsty, and uncared for in the sweltering heat. In South India, many groups of dogs and puppies live on the beaches of Goa. In particular, the Golden Eye Beach Shack in northern Goa is home to several such dogs who come around seeking food, shelter, and a little love. It is appalling that in the sweltering heat, these dogs, who live in and around Golden Eye Beach Shack, are given minimal bits of rice and bones to eat once a day with little to no fresh water, when in fact, this is a restaurant! With this petition, we are asking the owner of Golden Eye Beach Shack, Prashant Shetgaonkar, to please add DOG FOOD to their beach food menu! We believe that western tourists who frequent this establishment would be happy to purchase food for these dogs and to feed them on the beach. We want Prashant Shetgaonkar to realize that these dogs bring a lot of charm to the beaches of Goa, because they are cute, sweet, friendly, and loving dogs. Some western tourists already buy their own pet food to bring to the beaches, where dogs will sit with them in the waves to share some company and love while cooling off in the Arabian Sea. By providing DOG FOOD on Golden Eye Beach Shack's menu, this will not only help nourish these dogs to keep them healthy, but also provide western tourists, and indeed other tourists, including Indian tourists, with an immeasurable amount of pleasure. We want Golden Eye Beach Shack to do the right thing and take responsibility for the welfare of these dogs that live on the beaches where this restaurant caters to western tourists. Many of these dogs are indeed mere puppies that are left on the beaches to fend for them selves after having been spayed or neutered by city groups. These littlest angels need all the tourist love possible, and if the Golden Eye Beach Shack were to provide DOG FOOD written clearly on their menu in English, then western tourists could begin to help out, something the tourists and dogs would enjoy very much. We also ask Golden Eye Beach Shack to sell bottled water and provide bowls to tourists so that they may give the dogs water as well, as it is very hot on the beaches and the dogs are languishing. It is important that you sign this petition because an act like this will go a long way to begin to change local attitudes about these dogs, and to help them assume responsibility for the lives of these dogs around them. Prashant Shetgaonkar must know that we care! Please sign and share this petition!  It's also very helpful if you leave a comment directly for Prashant Shetgaonkar, because this may be the very first time he even thinks of this.  Let him know how you feel it is a terrific idea that he put DOG FOOD on his beach restaurant menu and why.

Dear Mr. Prashant Shetgoankar,

On a recent trip to India, several tourists had lunch at The Golden Eye Beach Shack in Northern Goa.  It was a very hot day and the beach dogs that live there were equally hot.  We believe that western tourists care deeply about these dogs and would like to know you are doing your part to look after those that live around your establishment.

We have decided that DOG FOOD should be added to your beach restaurant menu!  In this way, tourists may help nourish these lovely beach dogs in a way that would be very pleasureable to the tourists as well as to the dogs. 

We know that you care about these dogs, but we think you need help.  By adding DOG FOOD to your restaurant menu, you will be making a statement to tourists that these sweet beach dogs are worthwhile.  In this way, you would be providing a good experience for your tourists who always enjoy feeding them and sitting in the waves with them. We believe that western tourists would frequent your establishment more often if they knew you cared about the welfare of your beach dogs and provided a way for tourists to peacefully interact with them.

Because the fate of these Indian beach dogs rests on people like yourself who have the power to do something positive in the lives of these dogs, we respectfully demand that you add DOG FOOD to your restaurant menu!


(the undersigned)

Opdater #18 år siden
Dear Petition Signer,
Won't you please circulate this petition on your Facebook pages? 800 signatures are still needed. The situation remains the same over there. Action is required.
Thank you,
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