• af: Kim Nghiem
  • mottagare: National Governments of China, Russia, United States, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, and all others who practice TCM

There are less than 3,000 tigers left in the entire world right now. Yet each day they are murdered -POACHED- for their body parts. China  promotes the poaching and has kept their "black market" for tiger parts even in the face of species extinction!!

Who is poaching and why? Old, untrue beliefs coupled with "new money" in Asian countries is a disastrous equation. Many countries are guilty of contributing to the poaching of the world's tigers. In Sumatra, it's believed tiger parts contain magical properties. Tiger pelts are sought after mostly in Tibet. Tiger meat is eaten as exotic meat in Vietnam, China, and in U.S.A. as status symbol. Tiger parts become all manner of tonics in China and other Asian countries which practice TCM. Bones becomes "Tiger Wine" believed to cure illnesses. Tiger penises eaten are believed to work like viagra. Tigers skins and furs become luxury items by Americans. Skin, bones, whiskers, and claws are sold astalismans, medicines, and tourist trinkets.  This is an outrage! 
Call upon National Governments to take steps to assist practioners of TCM to find other vegetable or herbal alternatives. Demand BAN on all manufacture and sale of TCM containing or said to contain tiger parts or derivatives. Without supply there can be no "black market" for the Earth's last, most precious tigers. Refuse to stand by while the people who have lost their humanity all over the world --mosly in Asia-- consume the last of the world's precious tigers!! These practices are barbaric, outdated, wrong, and illegal. Please do your part and sign this petition.

Thank you,

Kim Nghiem

To the Governments of China, Russia, United States, Vietnam, Korea, Japan,

This is a petition to BAN all use of tigers and tiger parts or derivatives for use in Traditional Chinese Medicine or for your eating pleasure. Tigers are an endangered species. The world will not stand by as you allow your citizens to wipe a species off of Planet Earth.

Please create tougher laws and penalties for anyone caught with tiger parts or derivatives entering your countries or within your borders. It is an  act without conscious awareness of violence and greed --a sin of all sins-- to poach the last of the world's tigers for your own greedy consumption.


Kim Nghiem

Opdater #19 år siden
Thank you, thank you so much for signing! Please spread the word.
~~Kim Nghiem
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