Demant the stop of AC power companies stop

AC power is in contempt of the clean air act 115, the algae problem is due to the power industry. Along with putting a positive into a negative ground and an causing our planet to be turned into a neutron star. That's why neutron star are so unique, there over magnetized mass. That's what there doing by putting positive energy into the negative ground there amplifieing the magnet of earths negative core. That's why the earth is heating up also in the mourning you ever wonder why it's so pink look up the definition of pink hydrogen. People what's coming in the next two years are going to drastically change in climate everywhere just look at my LinkedIn page pat tarwater jr new world order climate control an you will see everything I'm warning an showing is100 % fact an I can prove. People this is something that just one country can fix we all have to come together an put aside differences forget war we are one under the same roof when it comes to oxygen. Does anyone know what happens when our ocean starts to boil an being a negative liquid gas cause that's what our ocean is. We have to correct the mistakes we have found ourselves at. To know an do nothing is cowardly. I have a solution for this problem but we as a spieces will never evolve if we are not on what energy we were supposed to be on. Thank you I just hope there's enough of you who care about humanity an evolution of this beautiful place we call home thank you an god bless humanity cause it needs everything it can right now...

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