Help Make 'No Animals Harmed' Disclaimer a Reality in Hollywood

  • af: PETA
  • mottagare: American Humane Association (AHA)
Sign the petition!

The American Humane Association (AHA) is responsible for monitoring the use of animals in film and television productions. The familiar "No Animals Were Harmed" seal of approval can be seen in the closing credits of many movies, but according to whistleblowers, the disclaimer is far from reliable. Despite the presence of the AHA, numerous animals have allegedly been abused, put in dangerous situations, and killed in the name of entertainment.

For years, PETA has received whistleblower reports alleging animal abuse on sets, but following our release of leaked information about the mistreatment and deaths of horses on HBO's Luck and the subsequent cancellation of the program, we received an unprecedented number of reports concerning more than a dozen film and television projects, four of which are in production right now. All these allegations suggest that reported problems could have been avoided with adequate oversight by the AHA. In some cases, it is alleged that AHA management looked the other way or was even complicit in arranging for the filming of sequences that were potentially dangerous for animals. The films and animals in question are outlined in detail in our letter to the AHA.

In light of this new information, PETA is calling on the AHA to immediately overhaul its monitoring program, and we have made several recommendations on how the organization can get started.

You can help horses, great apes, and other animals used in the entertainment industry by contacting the AHA right now.
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