Demand an End to Senseless Dog and Cat Deaths

Dogs and Cats voices can not be heard, it is up to Pet Owners to take up their voices so they can be heard. As an animal lover, I am shocked at the news I heard recently on CNN about Animals who were getting sick and died as a result from eating Jerky based treats produced in China, the FDA has been studying these Jerky based treats since 2007.

My own dog died of sudden kidney failure in 2010 at 8 years old, my vetinarian advised us when
we came to see him, that my dog needed to have a whole body transfusion, since his white blood cell count was extremly high. We agreed and my dog had the procedure, The vet called us and informed us the procedure went well and that we could take our dog home in a day or two, he wanted to keep him under observation. When I called back in the morning he said my dog took a turn for the worse and passed away. The vet informed us he died of kidney failure.

We feed our dog Jerky based treats (chicken fillets, sweet potato, and other various types for years) If I knew that jerky based treats produced or made from ingredients from the country of China, I would have never served it to my dog. I loved my dog, he was my best friend. He was my child who had no voice of his own, so I am speaking for him.

The FDA, needs to make all Pet Food Compaines accoutable and list what country of origin produced or whose ingridents are produced in other Countries as well as the ones Made in the USA.

If you own a dog, cat or are an Animal lover, YOU NEED TO SIGN THIS PETITION and make PET FOOD/TREAT COMPANIES accountable that they are packaging pet foods that are SAFE for out pets to consume with food that will not make them sick. Would you feed your pets any food that you know if they ate it, they will get sick and possibly die eating it? I think NOT ( I know I would not have).

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