Houston, We Have a Problem

  • mottagare:  President and CEO of Plains Exploration and Production (James C Flores)

The Houston-based company, Plains Exploration and Production (PXP), rejected an invitation earlier this year to travel to Wyoming to hear from concerned citizens. Now more than ever, PXP needs to know we have a problem with their plan to drill 136 gas wells just south of Jackson Hole.

PXP's industrial scale gas field proposal is the only one in the nation located at the headwaters of a Wild and Scenic River. The project poses major threats to our surface and groundwater, air quality, native trout fisheries, big game herds, and our cherished recreational activities, such as fishing, hunting, and paddling.

Fortunately, there is a solution.

By signing this petition you can help Wyoming citizens encourage PXP to sell its oil and gas leases to a conservation buyer. This solution would protect what is considered to be the most important wildlife crossroads in the greater Yellowstone area, and the headwaters of the congressionally designated wild and scenic Hoback River, while honoring PXP’s financial investment.


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