PETITION: http://www.change.org/petitions/boycott-south-carolina-until-they-outlaw-bear-baiting?utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=url_share&utm_campaign=url_share_after_sign
PETITION: http://forcechange.com/28658/outlaw-bear-baiting-in-south-carolina/
PETITION: http://www.causes.com/actions/1668713-outlaw-bear-baiting-in-south-carolina
PETITION: http://www.change.org/petitions/south-carolina-outlaw-bear-baiting-now
PETITION: http://www.change.org/petitions/boycott-south-carolina-until-they-outlaw-bear-baiting
PETITION: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/259/635/737/
PETITION: http://www.petition2congress.com/10116/united-states-congress-ban-bear-baiting/
It is our job, to ensure the mainstream USA media get this SCANDAL
SUBJECT: Bear Baiting LEGAL in South Carolina
To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to bring it to your attention the LEGAL bear baiting events that occur in South Carolina. It is appalling that this is still legal in this state. It is a disgrace to mankind and the most inhumane act. Most people have never seen these underground events, because organizers try to keep the practice away from the public eye.
They know that if most people saw the terrified, tethered bear cornered by dogs for hours on end, they would demand an end to this abuse.
The supposed objective of South Carolina bear baiting contests is for the dogs to corner the bear, make eye contact, and keep her "at bay." These events are billed as training events for hunting dogs, but for some, bear baiting is a spectator event for those who enjoy watching dogs attack a bear.By nature, black bears are shy animals who flee to the safety of a tree when threatened. Bears usually attack as only a last resort, but when clawless and toothless they don't have even this option.
Two respected bear biologists viewed The HSUS's footage and remarked on the bear's stress and fear. One biologist stated that the bear's actions stem from "extreme agitation, out of unhappiness and fear," and the other, that her actions reveal "defensive terror."unhappiness and fear," and the other, that her actions reveal "defensive terror." Also the South Carolina DNR does not inspect bear baiting competitions.
These bears are treated in such a cruel an inhumane manner as you can see in this video link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=iKeBPtkqe_E
The LAW of DISGRACE - showing where they have crossed out the words bear-baiting - half way through the the writing
in this document -> http://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess120_2013-2014/prever/3490_20130205.htm
Although they know what is about to happen they can do nothing to stop it - a rope attached to a metal ring in their nose is tied to a post in the ground, holding them in place. All they can do is wait and watch as the crowd around them cheers in anticipation. Suddenly, dogs are released into the arena - bred and trained to attack, the dogs lunge at the bear, sinking their sharp teeth into the bears sensitive muzzle and ears. The bear tries desperately to defend itself but the teeth and claws have been removed and all they can do is tuck their head behind their paws and lash out blindly. The attack goes on for several minutes until finally the bear is brought to the ground and the dogs are declared the winners.
I trust that you will see this fit to make viral. This has to be stopped immediately. Thank you for your time and attention.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Velez Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jane-Velez-Mitchell/112718642114388
Jane Velez Show: http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5.html?106
CNN: NewsTips@CNN.com
CNN: https://www.facebook.com/cnninternational
ABC7NEWS: https://www.facebook.com/abc7news
CBS Morning: https://www.facebook.com/CBSThisMorning
CBS Evening: https://www.facebook.com/CBSEveningNews
CNN Connect the World: https://www.facebook.com/CNNconnect
60 Minutes: https://www.facebook.com/60minutes
USA TODAY: https://www.facebook.com/usatoday
CBS: http://www.cbsnews.com/htdocs/feedback/fb_news_form.shtml
USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/contactus/
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