STOP DEBARKING in Dogs NOW - in CT and Every State

CUTTING OR SEVERING A DOG'S VOCAL CORDS is an unnecessary and cruel practice that goes by several names: Debarking, Devocalization, or Devoicing, but it should be called TORTURE.

WHO DOES THIS?: Puppy Mill Operators, Breeders, Dog owners, Kennels, Dog Shows, Licensed Veternarians

Veternarians perform surgery and Puppy Mill Operators (especially the Amish people) perform a sadistic act by SHOVING METAL PIPES DOWN A DOG'S THROAT. 

The RESULT to surgery or the Metal Pipe "Method": bleeding, acute airway swelling, infection, coughing, gagging, aspiration pneumonia, scar tissue, glottis stenosis (narrowing of the throat); and oftentimes more surgery, DEATH.

The dog is relegated to an abnormal life and forever has difficulty in eating & breathing (The two most vital and important things to sustaining life in people and all animals.) In addition, the dog experiences exercise, collapse, and heat intolerance, noisy breathing, and of course the inablility to speak through their bark, including all the other sounds a dog makes that are a part of their unique personality.


Just imagine if your neighbor didn't like your voice or thought you talked too much and they had the power to demand your vocal cords be severed, so you could no longer speak. Dogs speak just like us through the many different nuances of their bark, which they use to communicate danger, happiness as they greet us, playfulness, and when they want attention for their needs. Taking their voice away is comparable to taking a person's voice away. Dogs may not speak words but they speak through their bark.

Proponents of this indefensible procedure will argue that it is necessary for such reasons as excessive barking or producing winning "Show Dogs." An even more sinister reason is for Puppy Mill proprietors to avoid detection.

Specifically practiced by the Amish people to hide the hundreds of abused dogs in their barns, these dogs do not even get the "benefit" of a licensed Veterinarian to perform this surgery. The Amish shove metal rods down the dogs' throats to keep them quiet. No anesthesia, just unimaginable pain for the dogs with many dying from their injuries.

Debarking is popular in the questionable world of Dog Shows. Breeders breed for looks, not the health of the dog. It has been reported that breeders will dispose (abandon, drown or use other killing methods) of dogs that are deemed Mis-marked or imperfect.

It is not surprising then that The American Kennel Club (a very powerful organization), who runs the Westminster Dog show, say this: "Debarking is a viable veterinary procedure..." Not for the dog it isn't, only for the selfish and greedy people who condemn a dog to a lifetime of medical issues and misery.

Debarking never addresses or corrects the underlying factors of why a dog may bark "excessively." Owners offer up many excuses that never justify ruining the health of their dog.  If a dog could speak words he or she would choose not to be subjected to this cruel and life altering procedure, especially by someone they trust and rely on to protect and take care of them. Why would anyone take a healthy dog and do this to them?  It is criminal and insane.



Currently, only six states have any law on the books regarding this issue: MA, NJ, PA, Ohio, CA, and RI. CA & RI have adopted legislation to prohibit conditional occupancy of dog owning tenants by making Devocalization unlawful.

Unfortunately, legislators are not acting quickly enough. It is up to us to put pressure on them to put the interest of these innocent animals first and deny the Special Interest groups of their power to hurt the powerless.

Incidentally, this procedure along with declawing, tail docking, ear cropping and Euthanasia (only to prevent suffering is it permitted) are all illegal in Germany.

Please join me in stopping the endless suffering of dogs across the United States.  PLEASE SIGN PETITION & SHARE IT

Opdater #16 år siden
Hello everyone - My petition has been stalled for quite a while. I started this petition when I signed a similar one for the state of MI, which got over 150,000 signatures, so not sure why people aren't signing mine; although that petition had the backing of a legislator in that state. I know there are countless petitions, but this one is also important to the innocent dogs it is happening to. I ask that those of you who have already signed to please share it. Thanks again for your help.
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