• af: Eve WETHERELL
  • mottagare: Steve Lawler Executive Manager Parks & Recreation

Our beautiful Northern Beaches 'Newport Beach Pool' was teaming with healthy'marine life': Octopuses, Sea Snails Sea Slugs, Crabs, Barnacles and variety of colorful fishes including the kids much loved 'Bluey' the Wrasse; which provided a safe haven of 'natural rock, Corals, Sponges and Grasses habitats for all these animals, The animals who reside in proximity of the pool are Sea Eagles, Kites, Cormorants variety species, Silvergulls, Terns, Willey Wagtails, Ravens etc. All these animals are 100%.reliant on each others life cycle and survival! but when soaked in pool chemical cleaner detrimental effects can be hazardous on our marine and wild life exposing them and their habitats to sickness and death!

On Thursday 22nd September 2016 the Newport Pool had been cleaned with chemcals again as the algae on the far end top wall and steps was gone but still slimy residue. The chemical was clearly visible as cloudy and foam which did not dissipate the chemical odor was evident. The next day another local swimmer again saw a dead octopus in the pool - and 6-8 weeks ago she had again found 4 dead harmless Octopuses on the same day after the pool clean.

Our tax paying community is distressed to learn of our Northern Beaches Council using chemicals on and into our community pool every week to try to rid algae - although their intentions seem good. The Council replied to me advising a chemical they use shows how dangerous it can be even used in small doses and does little to resolve the algae: " Sprinkler diluted chemica l Agae B gone. The rate is 25ml per 9lts watering can but on pools where there is a rock bottom we use a rate of 10ml per 9lts which barely is enough to control Algae growth".

A safer alternative for both our marine and surrounding wildlife such as using cost effective Water Pressure Hosing and Broom whilst allowing the sea snails and other marine life to regenerate back into the pool to eat the algae as nature intended.

The chemicals has obviously seems to have affected the marine life that lived in the pool even the habitat coral, seagrass and sponges look dead, lifeless and white like it 'bleached' - like a barren wasteland. The fishes are very few 'gone' and many have been seen by locals including myself lying dead on the bottom of the pool. The gulp of Cormorants which used the pool to fish in and surrounding beach are noticably disappearing.

The chemicals no matter how diluted affects the pool and marine life inhabitants. it is also scientifically proven marne life 'feel distress and pain'. Our community swimmers and babies, young children, elderly and auto-immune suppressed individuals are too at risk!

Recreational fisherman's health are also in danger as they ingest the chemically soaked fishes. Neport Beach has a current which cycles around and about the pool dispersing the chemicals with the tide. The animals who travel back and forth about the reefs are also at risk including predatory animals such as larger fishes cod and wrasse, rays and sharks, cormorants,sea eagles and kites etc.

PLEASE SIGN this Petition to Demand the Northern Beaches Council to stop using chemicals and to use our tax dollars in an eco-friendly cost effective method of harmless "Water Pessure Hosing and Broom Scrub" to help preserve and protect our marine life animals and to protect the residents and visitors who swim in the pool.

On behalf of Newport Beach Community & Marine & Wildlife THANK YOU

Eve Louise

Steve Lawler Executive Manager Parks & Recreation

Dear Sir/Madam,

It is with profound importance, strong community and global travellers interest that this petition be acted upon accordingly as advised using non-chemical methods to wash and remove any green algae on pool surface and stairs with use of a jet blaster water hose only and broom to protect and preserve our Newport Beach lap pool and it's natural marine life inhabitants, which are an integral part of the surrounding eco-system including 'Little Reef' and the beach land wildlife inhabitants who's food source solely rely on the surrounding marine life without their food being compromised by toxins.

Ocean Acidification is a by-product from harmful 'Climate Change' and too affects Newport Beach the contraindications of human destructive interference by use of chemicals regardless how minute - affects marine life and wildlife food dependant chain negatively. The species within the Newport Beach lap pool may not be known to marine biologists, thus, to help produce identity I have kept a record of all species to seek reference to help preserve and protect the Newport Beach pool.

Dr Neville Barrett - Marine Diversity Expert of University of Tasmania quotes in the ABC Science 'A World In A Rock Pool 18th January 2011:-

“Species vary widely between pools and between areas”, says Dr Neville Barrett, a marine biodiversity expert from the University of Tasmania.

"You can never predict what you'll find because every pool is a different shape, size and depth. Even experts don't know every species," he says. "Generally speaking, though, the deeper the pool the more stable it is and the greater the diversity of species found within," Barrett says.

Our Community and beach visitors some from overseas care deeply about our marine life and want to see it protected unharmed. Instead of using chemicals as 'all chemicals have adverse affects' where marine life is highly absorbent and fragile to 'any chemical used' regardless of so-called safe toxic levels are still 'cumulative levels', causing harm . Evidence after chemical cleaning days lay dead marine life on bottom of pool - too many and too frequent to be a natural cause. Every action we as humans take affects our world around us.

The Newport Beach pool is included in the Southern extremity of Newport Beach where NO COLLECTING of SPECIES Sign is positioned. Using chemicals which harms the Newport Beach marine life 'within this area vicinity' must be recognised and of equeal importance and addressed to immediately ban the use of chemicals in the pool as like collecting species eradicates the inhabitants so too does the Algae B Gone toxic chemical.

We as Newport Community and Beach Visitors request that Algae B Gone, and no other chemicals are used, but instead the easy use of eco-friendly water-hose and broom. Once the habitat has regenerated itself once again the Turban Snails, Crustaceans and other animals will eat the algae naturally away.

We trust the Council will agree to th Communities request to work with the Newport Beach Community and its beach visitors to help preserve and protect our marine and native wildlife who reside in Newport Beach. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,
Eve Wetherell Newport Beach Resident

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