Protect the Elephants of Sudan From Endangerment !!!!!!

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: The SPLA (Sudan People's Liberation Army) and Sudan Government Officials

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in our efforts to urge Sudan & the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to protect the existence of the elephants in their country during this wartime and beyond. The number of elephants is dwindling drastically with less than 2,500 living today from more than 80,000 in just three decades ago. This is a drastic drop in numbers and we need your help to save those remaining.

All you hear in recent years is wars around the world including the country of Sudan. Many lives have been lost in these blood baths against fighting countries but it has also been noted that innocent animals not involved in the warfare are also a target for loss of life, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society's South Sudan program. The country's elephants are in serious jeopardy, along with other animals such as buffalo, antelope and giraffe.

Before the onset of the civil war in South Sudan, there was an estimate of more than 80,000 elephants roaming their natural habitat but now in recent years, the numbers are now less than 2,500 of these majestic animals. On top of the issues of war, there is still an issue of ivory trafficking and threats. The fear is also that there is an increase in bush-meat hunting to feed the soldiers. South Sudan is currently rather stable for the elephants but those in the northern areas are critical for the survival of these animals.

We are trying to work with the countries leaders that will help in protecting the elephants; save them from endangerment and prevent soldiers from harming or killing them. We need to get the government leaders to crack down on commercial hunting of elephants, poaching and trafficking of bush meat. Please help with this issue in saving the remaining elephants throughout Sudan so that they do not become extinct by signing and sharing this petition worldwide on all your media sites.

The SPLA (Sudan People's Liberation Army) and Sudan Government Officials - We urge you to crackdown on elephant hunting, poaching and trafficking throughout regions of Sudan, especially in the northern areas that are critical to the survival and existence of the animal. We in this petition are appealing to SPLA and SPLA in opposition to adopt strict regulations for wildlife protection and to ensure that your forces do not engage in poaching and wildlife trafficking. Implement and enforce stringent rules against killing the elephants in wartime and always. Save these animals from possible extinction.

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